Go to the Sales Channels > My sales channels section in CPanel to perform the basic channel configuration that includes the following sections:
- Languages
- Surcharges and costs
- Text
- Ticket and Graphical Elements
- E-mail server
To configure the sales channel we’ll complete the information of the following tabs:
- General information
- Procedure
- Channel contents
- Design
- Configuration of the channel
1. General Information
This allows basic information about the channel to be modified: name, url, contact details, languages or state of the channel.
2. Procedure
In this tab surcharges, delivery methods and channel costs are configured.
- Fees: Allows you to modify the information about the scope and contact.
- Delivery methods: Allows you to configure the different delivery methods. It is posible to configure the e-mail and receipt sending format (unified in one email or separately).
- Agent comission: Channel costs are commissions for the communication service of the promoter's event. It can be a fixed or percentage surcharge.
- Options: Defines the details you wish to request from the customer in the ticket purchase process through this sales channel, and establishes the maximum number of tickets per purchase.
3. Channel contents
In Channel contents you can modify the texts and communication texts that are defined by default to fully customize your sales channel.
Remember that:
- The texts affect the entire purchase process of the portal.
- The communication texts affect the general texts that are displayed on the channel: purchase receipt e-mails, legal texts, help texts, purchase methods, purchase process and error texts.
In the Ticket and graphical contents sub-tabs you can modify both graphical elements as well as communication texts and texts.
- Header image (1076 x 56 px)
- Banner Image (520 x 420 px)
- Passbook channel (350x60px)
- Header banner (670 x 56 px)
- Channel Banner (300 x 242 px)
4. Design
In this tab you have the option of customizing the header texts of the four purchase stages of the sales channel.
You can also configure the format of the sessions display (List or Calendar), the default view of the venue, select the URL where you want the images of the portal to lead and select how VAT is shown in the amounts.
5. Configuration of the channel
In Channel Configuration you can configure an e-mail server for sending the tickets and the purchase receipt. You can also define the payment method and use external analysis tools.
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