To create an event in CPanel, follow the steps below:
1. Go to the Event Management tab and click on Events. In this section you will see the List of events that you have created before. If you have not created any events yet, the list will be empty. To perform a search in your already-created events, click on Show filters and the filters you can select will be displayed.
2. Click on New event at the top right of the Event listing section to create a new event
3. On the New Event screen enter the basic event information: producer, name and category of the event; to access the rest of the configuration.
Click on Save and you will go to the details of the event configuration.
How to set up an event
After creating a new event, you can access the configuration by selecting it in the Event List within Event Management > Events. Once selected, enter the information that we ask for in each tab.
- General information
- Event template
- Prices
- Performances
- Communication
- Channels
- Discounts
Remember to click on Save (at the top right) to save the changes before changing tabs.
How to configure the general details of an event
In the General Details section, under Events Management > Events, there are two sections:
- Main details: Enter the basic information of the event and specify the category to which it belongs. It is important to configure the Grouping if there is one, since it cannot be modified once a sale of said event and the Subscription List has been made.
- General settings: Select the languages of the event, configure the payments and the reservation options, if supported.
To configure the general details of an event, fill in all the information requested in these two sections. Click on the X icon to get help on the information we request. And remember that fields marked with a red asterisk are obligatory.
You can Import your details and the personal user details with which you have accessed the platform will be copied.
Before changing section, click Save to save the changes.
How to add a venue template to your event
In the Event Template section of an event configuration, under Event Management > Events, you can add and configure a venue template.
If you need a graphics template, it must be previously edited and configured by Onebox.
It is recommended that you first configure the venue template in Event Management > Configurations and, once configured, add it to the event by following these steps:
1. Select the New option.
2. Select the venue where the event will be held.
3. Choose a type of template:
- Base Template: You can select the template that you have configured in the Configurations tab.
- New template: You can create a new template. This case is only recommended for non-graphics templates, since the graphics templates need to be previously designed by Onebox.
- For more information on templates, consult the manuals How to edit a numbered venue template and How to edit an unnumbered venue template
Remember that you can select one or more templates per event.
4. Once the template has been added, select Save.
How to set the rates and prices of an event
You need to have configured the event template and the price zones before assigning the prices. Once done, you can go to the Prices section, in Events Management > Events, and set out the rates and prices of your event.
- If you want to create different rates for each price zone:
Click on the Rates section and, in the blank space (below Rates), type the name of the rate you want to create and click on New rate. As the different rates are created they will be placed in columns in the table at the bottom of this section.
Once all the rates have been created, double-click on the zeros that appear in the different cells of the table and assign to each combination of Rate and Price Zone the amount you wish to apply.
By default, a General rate is created that you can delete once you have configured other rates. To eliminate a fee, make sure it is not the main rate (indicated by a star) and click on the - sign. If it is marked with a star, you only have to click on the star of another rate and this will become the main rate.
- If you only need a single rate per price zone:
Double click on the zeros that appear in the different cells of the table at the bottom of the screen and assign to each Price Zone the amount of the rate you wish to apply.
In the Performances section we will assign rates to the different performances.
Before moving onto the Fees section, remember to save all changes.
Note: Once we have activated our event we can only change the price of the tickets if we put the event back into the Set up state.
How to set the surcharges on the prices of an event:
In the Fees section, surcharges are shown for tickets, invitations and tickets with discount.
To create a surcharge you have three configuration options:
- Fixed fee: Sets the surcharge as a numerical amount.
- Percentage: Sets the surcharge as a percentage value
- New price range: Uses the price ranges to enter surcharges based on the price of the tickets.
You also have the option of letting the sales channels know the minimum and maximum surcharges that may apply to your tickets.
For more information about surcharges, consult the manual How to add surcharges to an event.
Before moving on to the next section, remember to click on Save.
How to configure the performances of an event
To configure the performances of an event, go to Performances, under Event Management > Events.
To register a new performance, click on New in the centre of the screen and select, according to your needs, to create a new single performance or to create multiple performances.
- How to register a new performance
Enter all basic information such as: name, start of the performance, event template to which it is linked and the rate and taxes that apply. You can also select the date for publication in channels and start of sales.
Note: All the information can be modified except the event template that you selected for each performance.
- How to register multiple performances
In the case of selecting the option to register multiple performances:
1. Enter the data of a base performance: name, duration, event template, etc.
2. Click Next and set the repetitions of this performance by modifying the start date, time and days of the week.
3. Click on Next again and confirm that you have correctly created all the performances in a calendar.
4. Click on Create X performances and all the calendar performances will be created.
Once the performances that we can see on the list on the left-hand side of the screen have been created, we can configure the details of each of them. By default, they will all be created with the information of the event template to which they are linked, but it is possible to make personalized holds for each performance, changes to the status of the seats and assign sales groups. The price zones cannot be modified since they are defined in the event template.
To register customized holds for each performance, select the performance in the list and modify the detailed information on the Performance's capacity.
How to configure the communication of an event
In the Communication section, under Event Management > Events, you can design the texts and images that will appear on the web, the ticket and the invitation.
Web contents: Defines the basic content of the event that will appear on the portal web: title, subtitle, description, language and duration, images and purchase receipt.
Ticket contents: Configures the content of the Ticket in PDF and ZPL: text and images. In this section you also choose the ticket templates that you want to use for an event.
Note: The content of the ticket can be configured in several sections: events, channels, sales requests and ticket templates. If it is configured in more than one, a hierarchy of information is established in this order: events, channels, sales requests and ticket templates.
You may also be interested in consulting: How to configure ticket images and How to change image of ZPL tickets.
How to add channels to an event
In the Channels section, under Event Management > Events, add the channels where you want to sell tickets to your event. To add a new channel:
1. Click on New in the centre of the screen and, from the list of channels, select the one that interests you.
2. Once selected, click on Request to send the sales request.
If as organizer you have your own channel, you can accept the request under Sales channels > Sales requests > Define the procedure of the channel. See the manual How to activate requests for more information.
3. In the Procedure section, select the publication dates and, to activate in-channel sales, click on the button so that it is in the ON format.
4. Check the Sales lots and decide if you want to put all your capacity or just some sales groups on sale in this channel. In Select you can choose in the list which sales groups you want to assign to this channel. Keep in mind that, by default, the system automatically chooses the option All, so it is necessary to check this section when activating a new channel before putting it on sale.
Note: To be able to define the rest of the tabs of the channel, it is necessary that the Sales Request is accepted. The next stages are:
- Surcharges
- Agent comission
- Contents
How to set the surcharges and costs of a channel
In this tab, the default surcharges or alternative surcharges for an event are defined. It is also possible to configure different charges for tickets with discounts. In RRP Simulation you can see a simulation of the surcharges including the booking fees applied to the price of the tickets.
For more information about surcharges, consult the manual How to add surcharges to your tickets.
In this section you can configure the costs or agent commissions of a channel. This information is merely informative and is not reflected anywhere nor does it have any repercussions for the client.
In the Channels you can also:
1. In section 1) Event Website: you can access the links to the event/sessions
2. In section 3) Tickets: you can see a print preview of the PDF Ticket.
How to set up event discounts
To create a new discount, follow these instructions:
1. Click on New.
2. Define the type of discount you want to set up in each channel, and add the name and description.
- Automatic: The discounted price is applied directly. This type of discount is aimed at giving a visible and comparable price incentive from the start of the purchase. The buyer will not have to select anything in the purchasing process, the discount will appear automatically.
- Discount: Applicable to certain groups through validation or to all users. The discount or incentive is applied after validating a code. In this case activation by the user is necessary (if required).
- Discounts: Oriented to give a different price or establish a new base price. It can be a fixed discount, as a percentage or a new base price. Activation by the user is needed since the incentive is applied after validating a code (if required).
3. To set up the discount, bear in mind these basic parameters:
- Main details: Name of the discount in Cpanel, name of the discount in the channels and description of the discount.
- Procedure: Select who the discount is aimed at and in which channels. Here you also set up different ticket options, the validity period of the discount and its limits.
- Incentive: Set the discount type of the promotion: fixed, percentage or new base price.
- Products: Select the performances with discount.
- Locations: Select the price zones affected by the promotion.
For more information about promotions, see the article Create promotions for an event.
Your event is now configured!
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